Saturday, March 19, 2011

LibSpeak 2011: Evolve. Engage. Energize. (participation of BLIS--MSEUF)

LibSpeak 2011: Evolve. Engage. Energize.
Conference at UP Diliman
February 26, 2011

In order to promote and to develop the Library and Information Science (LIS) in the country. The UP future Library and Information Professionals of the Philippines (UP FLIPP) held an annually event called “LibSpeak”. It was pioneered on March 12, 2007 at the UP School of Library and Information studies Gonzales Hall, UP Diliman. This annual event serves the UP FLIPP’s mission to promote and uplift the field of LIS. It aims to give people a new, better and holistic perception of the field of Library and Information Science.

This year, the opportunity came for us to participate on the said event. As a Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) students, we grabbed this opportunity for us to be more informed and be updated on our future fields. Ms. Myrna P. Macapia, the librarian of MSEUF Lucena, organized us to attending the conference. The event was entitled “LibSpeak 2011: evolved. Engage. Energize.” This was the first time that BLIS students experienced an off-campus conference, especially in UP Diliman. It’s our privilege to have a first step, first look and to be on one of the most respected and well known university. But aside from that, what’s important is that we had seen and hear a talk from a three well-known professional librarians in the country and learn from them. Also, the bonding that all BLIS students had we are together completely. A hundred percent of the BLIS students in MSEUF-Lucena was able to attend the UP Conference.

Ms. Lourdes T. David
She is the director of the Rizal Library,  Ateneo de Manila University. Prior to her transfer to the Ateneo, she was connected with the University of the Philippines as the Head Librarian of the College of Science, a Librarian, and a senior lecturer in library science. She holds a bachelor’s degree in food technology and a master’s degree in Library and Information science, and has taken units in Agricultural Chemistry and Public Administration. Her specialization is in information technology for which she obtained training at IBM, Philippines, and in various instructions here and abroad. She is a member of a number of national and international library associations including the Philippine Library Association, the American Library Association and the International Association of School Librarians. She has also been a consultant of various organizations such as WHO, FORD Foundation, and UNESCO. Also the present library accreditor of PAASCU, she is the recipient of the 2008 Outstanding Professional of the Year Award in the field of Library and Information Science given by the Professional Regulation Commission.
Prof. Rhea Rowena U. Apolinario
 A high school valedictorian, she finished a bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science at UP Diliman, Cumlaude. Since having passed the Licensure Examinations for Librarians in 2000 as the 9th Placer, she has managed the Learning Resource Center of the SEAMEO Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology. She took master’s degrees in Technology Management and International Studies also in UP Diliman. She is a member of the American Libraries Association, the Philippine Association for Academic and Research Libraries. A former president of the UP Library Science Alumni Association, she is now an assistant professor in SLIS, handling subjects on library management, and media materials and technology.
Ms. Sharon Ma. S. Esposo
(Representative Mr. Dan Dorado)
She is the Head Librarian of the UP College of Engineering Library II, Senior Lecturer at the UP School of Library and Information Studies (UP SLIS), handling graduate courses on Information Science and Information System Planning and Management. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a master’s degree in Library and Information Science. She is a member of the UP iLib Library System Development Team, a lecturer and a board exam reviewer on IT to UP SLIS and PATLIS Board Review for Librarians. She is the recipient of the 2009 Gawad   Chancellor Award Natatanging REPS, the most prestigious award given to a UP staff.


New Horizons: Advancing LIS through Multimedia Technology
 Ms .Lourdes T. David

After the keynote address delivered by Mr. Tarlit in behalf of Professor Salvacion M. Ariante, at exactly 1:30 pm, the host introduced the speaker to deliver the first talk of the conference. The speaker was Mrs. Lourdes T. David. She is the director of the Rizal library in Ateneo de Manila University and was connected to UP as the Head Librarian of the College of Science, a librarian, and a senior lecturer in library science. She holds a master’s degree in Library and Information Science. Her specialization is in Information Technology for which she obtained training at IBM, Philippines, and in various institution here and abroad.

Her topic is entitled “New Horizons: Advancing LIS through Multimedia Technology”. The talk addresses the effects of the new developments on the field of LIS, and assesses the threats and opportunities that the new generation of LIS professionals must face. Specifically, she discussed first the meaning of multimedia and presents an example of multimedia presentation by means of playing a video of a TV report. Then, she discussed about the concerns and the impacts of Multimedia in the LIS Profession by means of a chart:

She said that the opportunities are Multimedia,

(a.) can now provide a variety of information media
(b.) can create orientation and marketing programs and
(c.) can make use of the library collection and facilities to be more inviting to users.

And the threats are:

(a.) the librarians is not trained in library school to access download, and manage multimedia information,
(b.) librarians needs hardware, software and staff to manage multimedia information and
(c.) librarians have to complete with other professors and information providers which might be better equipped to create and manage multimedia information.
Then she also pointed out the competencies for LIS Professionals which includes that the LIS Professionals should be able to

(1.) Select and acquire information
(2.) Use of technology of Multimedia including telecommunication,
(3.) Organize, create, be aware and provide services to multimedia information,
(4.) Keep abreast of standards and trends and their application in the acquisition, organization, service and preservation of multimedia,
(5.) Make sure that digital formats that are becoming obsolete are migrated before it is too late or too costly,
(6.) Defend fair use rights but adhere to provisions of intellectual property rights and reach ethical use of multimedia. She also talked about the issues and problems regarding multimedia on the LIS Profession which includes the curricula’s lack of courses in multimedia evaluation, the very restricted licensing agreements and the costs of equipment networks, software and content.

She also delivers her recommendations regarding the issues and problems. Her recommendations are:

(1.)   Offer them selective and improve management,
(2.)   Library school should include multimedia management in subjects,
(3.) Library school should acquire knowledge and develop skills in multimedia technology,
(4.) Library associations should offer more training in multimedia technology and contents, and

(5.) Library school should offer a certificate in Multimedia Librarianship. She also presents her own subjects or course on the said Certificate in Multimedia Librarianship including Foundations Acquisition, Organization of Multimedia information, and Public Services, Marketing and Promotion & Special project. And it should be eighteen months course according to her. In the end she showed a chart of the summary:


Breaking the Stereotype:
When the Librarian Wears Prada
 Prof. Rhea Rowena U.Apolinario

 “Breaking the Stereotypes When the Librarian wears Prada” was discussed by the second speaker Professor Rhea Rowena U. Apolinario. Stereotype is from the Greek word “Stereos” meaning “firm” solid and “typos” meaning “impression”. Physical appearance of a librarian played an important role in the interaction between the librarian and the user. The image of the librarian depends on the type of library and the librarian works in.

Here are some examples of positive Librarian Stereotypes that I’ve learned

(1.) Scholarly, resourceful, professional, knowledgeable and intellectual.
(2.)  Bright, educated, smart competent.
(3.)  Good people, friendly, nice, helpful.

And the examples of the negative stereotypes for the librarian are:

(1.) Old-fashioned, unattractive, plain looking hair always in a bun.
(2.) Wears eyeglasses.
(3.) Reclusive, wrapped up in his/ her work, introverted.
(4.) Reserved dresses conservatively bookish.

Librarians dressing style is an important element in forming the image of the librarian. So how do we break stereotypes? She said there are three ways:

(1.) Book keeping Model- as new contradictory information is learned, we incrementally adjust the stereotype to adapt to the new information. We usually need quite a lot of repeated information for each incremental change
(2.) Conversion Model- We throws away the old stereotype and start again.
(3.) Sub-typing Model- We create a new stereotype that is a sub-classification of the existing stereotype particularly when we can draw a boundary around the sub-class.

I’ve learned some quotes for a librarian to be consider:

“Improve from within, realize your WORTH”.

We should have a positive image begins with oneself. We are ultimately responsible at all times and the real solution must come from within.

“Focus on the library and its Services”.

We should be more concerned about the library’s image than the librarian and the stand focusing on the positive.

We can improve our appearance by being dress more stylish, dress for success, and wear more bright colors to look more approachable. We should stand up for our profession and we should smile more often, and initiate the conversation with the library users.

We need to change from the stereotype to desired professional librarian, it matters that what people think we are alike. Let us change our image if its needs changing, by our deeds and actions-taken because they need to be taken.

Engaging the Mind:
Social Learning in the Library
Ms. Sharon Ma. S. Esposo  
(Representative Mr. Dan Dorado)

The third part of the conference was attended by freshmen & sophomore LIS students of MSEUF. It was entitled “Engaging the Mind: Social Learning in the library”. The talk generally speaks about what libraries in the 21 century must embody.

Unfortunately,  Ms. Sharon  Ma. S. Esposo, the Head Systems Librarian of UP College of Engineering Library was not able to attend the conference to deliver her presentation but with the aid of her assistant, Mr. Dan Dorado, the Librarian in-charge of The Learning Commons, the talk was made possible.

Mr. Dorado first initiated a mind-breaking ice brakes by making a sets of 37 using a 4x 4 figure. He then asked the audience to court 1-3o and by that he field the figures with numerals that was later on checked to provide a 37 using 4 x 4 figure. Through this he was able to catch the audience’s attention. He defined what learning is and the innovations occurred in a library setting to fit the generation. Collaborative learning , for example, is among the trends that should be adopted nowadays. As learning initially takes place in an individual’s mind, social learning is among wide practices in enriching one’s mind. The key principles for effective social learning are in 3c’s: Co-location, Cooperation and Collaboration. As presented,

Lev Vygotsky’s Theory in Social Learning Speak that…
1.             Individuals learn more in group. S they engage into transmission of ideas and the likes, adaptation and/or cancellation thoughts can be practiced.
2.             Providing students diverse services in a convenient location to gather to work is considered a success & its main goal in student’s learning activity;
3.             Imposing technologies, such as up-to-date databases, wireless technologies is a plus;
4.             Another way to reach more students involves the physical and virtual development of information literary programs and,
5.             Teaching individuals the proper, sensible and responsible usage of information to initiate praxis and foster philosophy.

Breaking the ancient thought of libraries as a quiet and solitude place is the main point of social learning. Materializing the concept that encourage active user input and interaction are of the ideals of the UP College of engineering Library, the learning commons to be exact. It has already adopted the previously stated principles, and has provided a discussion a for student interactions. I-Mac stations, E-resource, portals, collaborative workstations, pod-cast and many others are the solid proofs for this; take the POD-CAST for example, for   this caught my attention the most. As an aid for their students, especially to those coming from remote areas (province, etc.), pod-cast came to be. This is designed to have the electronic version of a class lecture (specificity, undefined) and only the lecture itself. Questions are not stated to be entertained, so you have to listen keenly. Still on my side, it is somehow a pro and I don’t think I have to state why. But it does not promote the student/s to miss their class. Obviously for its limited capacity, actual access for the gadget was not clear discussed in the talk yet weighing its main purpose may or can either lead on individual misinterpretation that will eventually lead to improper usage. The answer is at the TLC, as the speaker said. Another program of the TLC discussed is for the future & possible development of “sleeping area” again in favor to students residing outside NCR/ Manila. This will enhance the learning common’s abbrenated  name.
How I wish for our library be like the learning commons someday, that I know sure will help students to appreciate and tag the name “LIBRAY” not only to books but to technology as well, then again innovation/s is one thing, budget for such is ANOTHER THING.