Librarians have been discussing how to achieve professional status in the eyes of society since Dewey’s time. Since we’re still discussing it, odds are that we still have work to do! Looking at the techniques used in other professions helps us discover a few tricks to help our personal professional image.
Definition of Terms:
A profession is "a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science."
A professional is one who follows "an occupation as a means of livelihood or gain," or one who is "engaged in one of the learned professions."

American College Dictionary
Selected texts in Circulation Reserve Section (CRS)
020 B862 1992
Buenrostro, Juan C. and Orendain, Maria A. Bantayang Aklat sa Librarianship. Quezon City: Great Books Trading, 1992.
020 G223 1968
Gates, Jean Key. Introduction to Librarianship. New York: McGraw– Hill, Inc., 1968.
020 M999 1963
Myson, William. Librarianship as a Career. London: B.T. Batsford LTD., 1963.
020.23 S76 2002
Shontz, Pricilla K. Jumpstart your Career in Library and Information Science. Maryland: The Screcrow Press, 2002.
020.92 P211 1959
Paradis, Adrian A. Librarians Wanted: Careers in Library Service. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1959.
020.92 P538 1991
Philippine School Librarianship: a Primer for teacher– librarians/ Maria Arcilla Orendain…( Manila: Rex Bookstore, 1991.
020.92344 B476 1993
Bielefield, Arlene. Library employment within the law. New York: Neal– Schuman Pub. Inc., 1993.
027.8 H226 2009
Harlan, Mary Ann. Personal learning networks: Professional development for the isolated school librarian. Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited, 2009.
Theses and Dissertation located at the Graduate Studies and Research Library (IGSRL)
Cabana, Ismaelinda S. R.A. 9246: its effects to the Professionalization of Public Librarians in Quezon Province. Lucena City: MSEUF, 2007.
Selected text in Periodicals Section (PS)
A User– centered and Evidence– based approach for digital Library Projects. The Electronic Library, 27(3)’09.
Bridging the Digital Divide: the Role of librarians and Information Professionals in the third Millennium. The Electronic Library, 26(2)’08.
Selected texts in Reference and Filipiniana Section (RFS)
217 Pass exam for Librarians. Manila Bulletin, p. 8, D 6’98.
New Professional Librarians. Manila Bulletin, p. G– 6, D 6‘99.
PRC lists of 33 new Librarian. Manila Bulletin, p. 8, D 28’99.
Selected articles found in Electronic Journals
Engelond: A Model for Faculty-Librarian Collaboration in the Information Age. Information Technology and Libraries . 19.1 (March 2000): p34.
Budd, John M. Toward a Practical and Normative Ethics for Librarianship. Library Quarterly, v76 n3 p251-269, Jul 2006.
Burnett, Kathleen M. and Bonnici, Laurie J.Contested Terrain: Accreditation and the Future of the Profession of Librarianship. Library Quarterly, v76 n2 p193-219, Apr 2006.
Kuzyk, Raya. I Love Librarianship. Library Journal, v133 n4 p38-43, Mar 2008.
Labaree, Robert V. and Scimeca, Ross. The Philosophical Problem of Truth in Librarianship. Library Quarterly, v78 n1 p43-70, Jan 2008.
Lonergan, David. Is Librarianship a Profession? Community & Junior College Libraries, v15 n2 p119-122, 2009.
McNicol, Sarah. Is Research an Untapped Resource in the Library and Information Profession? Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, v36 n3 p119-126 2004.
Ojedokun, Ayoku A. and Moahi, Kgomotso H. The Emerging Market for Information Professionals in Botswana, and the Skills Requirements. Education for Information, v23 n3 p129-139 2005.
Birchall, Alexander; Deakin, Anthony and Rada, Roy. Knowledge automation and the need for intermediaries. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, December 1994; vol. 26, 4: pp. 181-192.
Marshall, Jennifer. Librarianship as a profession in Italy. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, March 1997; vol. 29, 1: pp. 29-37.
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